Healthier Campus Initiative

The Concord University Healthier Campus Initiative is a three year plan to implement 21 activities to help make the healthy choice the easy choice. We are fortunate to collaborate with the Partnership for a Healthier America through this initiative. Below, you will find a schedule of healthy lifestyle event and activities on campus, a list of the 21 activities being implemented at Concord, healthy lifestyle resources on campus, and information on the Concord University Wellness Committee.

Here are some resources that can make it easier to make healthy choices on campus:

  • Recreation and Wellness: Here is information on the campus fitness facilities and the intramural sports program.
  • Counseling Center: All students have access to the campus counseling center. Visit our Counseling Center webpage to learn more about the services offered and to request a specific appointment time.
  • Lactation Room: Located in Room 301 of the Jean and Jerry Beasley Student Center (3rd floor), the Lactation Room is a comfortable, private room for breastfeeding mothers. Contact the Student Center Main Desk for additional information and admittance.  
  • Bluefield Area Transit: Concord University is pleased to offer bus service to and from the Athens campus to Princeton, WV through an agreement with Bluefield Area Transit. Please consult the latest schedule for arrival and departure times here. Weekday bus service is available and is free of charge to students with a valid Concord University I.D.
  • Campus dining: Check out the menus for the day and some great nutrition resources at Campus Dish.
  • CU Food Pantry: This valuable resource is located in the Game Room/Commuter Lounge on the ground floor of the Student Center.  The CU Food Pantry is stocked with non-perishable foods, frozen foods, toiletries, and school supplies. A Free Pantry found in the ground floor lockers of the Student Center includes school supplies and toiletries. The library also has a small food pantry. These pantries are open to all students! 
  • ACT (Athens Concord Trail) This walking trail is marked throughout Athens with options for a 1, 2, or 3 mile route. Marked crosswalks are also available throughout campus and town.

Wellness Committee

Committee Co-Chairs

Nolan, Jill
Nolan, Jill
Professor of Health Sciences / Director, Master of Arts in Health Promotion / Chair, Department of Health Sciences
Email Me
Meeteer, Wesley
Meeteer, Wesley
Professor of Health Sciences
Email Me

Committee Members

Ball, Kathy
Ball, Kathy
Bonner Program Director
Email Me
Ellison, Nancy
Ellison, Nancy
Director of Multicultural Affairs, Disability Services Coordinator
Email Me
Wamsley, Laura
Wamsley, Laura
Assistant Professor of Athletic Training, Director of Athletic Training, Director of CU Rise
Email Me
Williams, Susan
Williams, Susan
Distinguished Professor of Marketing
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