Counseling Center

The Concord University Counseling Center provides FREE counseling services and other resources for part and full-time students.
Open from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
To make an appointment to see a counselor, call 304-384-5290, or email
Campus Box 28
Please advise us if you need any accommodation.
What you tell us at the counseling center will be treated with great care. We consider confidentiality to be a very serious matter. Professional ethics and state laws are in place to protect the privacy of what is discussed within counseling sessions. In general, information that you share in counseling can only be released with your written permission. There are some exceptions to this statement of confidentiality which are important for you to know. If a situation occurs in which a student is a danger to himself/herself or others, we might take steps that go beyond confidentiality in order to help keep this student safe. Other exceptions could involve child or adult abuse, serious threats towards others, and/or court involvement. These exceptions to confidentiality are situations that do not occur very often. You can expect that every effort will be made to protect the information you have shared with us. The counselor is required to keep notes and a record of your counseling process. These records are kept in a locked file cabinet at the Counseling Center.
Persons who work at the Counseling Center are required to sign a confidentiality statement with the understanding that information does not go beyond the walls of the Counseling Center. Records are destroyed within a reasonable length of time after graduation in accordance with state laws. It is important to us that you can feel comfortable about coming to the Counseling Center, and that you can address whatever you need without worrying about privacy and confidentiality. In order to safeguard your rights, an advisory committee has been formed on campus whose purpose is to investigate any complaints or grievances in regard to the Counseling Center.
The Counseling Center is a resource on campus for Concord University students who seek assistance with personal and college related issues. Services are available by appointment or on a walk-in basis. There is no charge to students for these services. Counselors are available from community agencies and from campus staff. The Counseling Center seeks to provide stability for students throughout their transition from home to college life and to help students maintain a positive college experience.
BetterMynd is a FREE telehealth service available 24/7 for all Concord University students. With BetterMynd, CU students have access to counseling and workshop services during traditional counseling center hours (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) as well as evenings, weekends and during university breaks. With a large network of licensed mental health professionals, BetterMynd provides students with the flexibility to select counselors with specialties, demographics, identities, lived experiences, or a language that matches their preferences. To register for BetterMynd, please watch this video and follow the steps provided.
How to Register (In Less Than 5-Minutes) from BetterMynd on Vimeo.
- Visit
- Click “Register” in the upper right-hand corner
- Complete the registration form with your campus email address and verify your email
- If your school uses single-sign on, scan the QR code provided to you to log in
If you have any questions about BetterMynd, please contact our counseling center by calling 304-384-5290 or emailing
- Concord University Appointment Request Form
- Concord University Counseling Center Client Rights
- Concord University Counseling Center Consent To Disclosure
- Concord University Counseling Center Telehealth Form
- Student Data Sheet
- Student Information Sheet
The first session is an introductory or intake interview which will require at least an hour to complete. The counselor will talk with you and ask questions to gain an understanding of you and the concerns that have brought you to counseling. The counselor will want to know why you are seeking counseling, why you have chosen to come at this particular time, how long you have been troubled by the problem, and what kinds of things you have tried to solve the problem. Questions may also be asked in regard to your family background, general health & functioning, school/work and other areas of interest such as history of substance use, abuse, previous counseling, etc. You will be asked to fill out consent for treatment and confidentiality forms. You may be asked at this session, or possibly the next, to complete some brief assessment forms that give the counselor additional information about you.
At the end of this session, the counselor will talk with you about possible options and/or recommendations that might be helpful. It may be decided to begin counseling appointments. Some students may only need a couple of sessions whereas other students can need counseling for a longer period of time. If there are other services in the community that could be helpful to you, the counselor will talk with you about these services and refer you as needed.
If a student worker is present in the first office (SC 321), please check-in for your appointment by providing your last name and appointment time. The student worker will then direct you to be seated or escort you to the counselor.
If there is no student worker present in the office, please walk down the hall to your right to the second door on the left (SC 325) to let the counselor know you are here. If the door is closed, that means the counselor is with another student.
If that is the case, please have a seat in the reception area until:
- The counselor retrieves you.
- The counselor opens her office door, and the current client exists.
Please arrive 15 minutes early to your first CU counseling session to allow time for paperwork completion.
We make every effort to see students on time; however, there are occasions when sessions run long, or emergencies occur.
Thank you for your understanding and patience!
While our attendance policy is very relaxed, we do have many students seeking counseling services. Therefore, two missed sessions without notice or three missed sessions with notice will lose appointment time.
- After a second absence, you will be contacted a final time and offered the option of a final session to “tie up” any last communications with the counselor.
- Students are invited and welcome back to the counseling center anytime; contact a counseling center employee to request a new appointment time and date.
- The counseling center is included in university closures/revised hours due to weather or other circumstances. Student sessions with the counseling center when the university is closed will not occur and will be rescheduled for the following week.
- If the university is on an inclement weather schedule or special events schedule, appointment times remain the same. If you cannot attend because of this schedule, we understand, and it will not be counted as an absence and will be rescheduled for the following week.
Thank you for your understanding and patience!
The Counseling Center is available for any student who feels the need to talk to someone about concerns or difficulties in their life. These concerns could be causing problems in the student’s daily life, emotionally, socially, academically or in other ways. Individual counseling is the primary focus of the Counseling Center. The Counseling Center also works in conjunction with the Social Work Department and the Student & College Hearing Board to facilitate groups with an emphasis on education & counseling.
The Counseling Center is located on the 3rd floor of the Jerry and Jean Beasley Student Center (Rooms 321 – 325).
Staff are present at the center and available to answer the phone from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Monday through Friday.
After 4:00 PM, students & other individuals may leave a message & phone number, or receive an after-hours phone number for crisis services through Southern Highlands Community Mental Health Center (1-800-615-0122). (Schedule and hours may vary during scheduled breaks and summer terms.)
Students come to the Counseling Center for many different reasons and with a wide variety of concerns. Many students are experiencing a level of emotional distress (depressed, angry, scared or confused) that is causing problems for them and that may be interfering with their ability to accomplish their daily schedules. Many students refer themselves for counseling at the prompting of friends, or perhaps a friend who has been to the Counseling Center and received help. Students may also be referred by personnel on campus such as professors, Student Support Services, resident directors & assistants, coaches, the Student & College Hearing Board, or anyone else who feels that a student has difficulties that require additional support and help. Students may also be referred for counseling services by family members or other significant persons in their lives such as a family physician. The following list gives some of the reasons that students come to the Counseling Center:
- Academic difficulties, not able to concentrate & study
- Mood problems, such as feeling depressed or extremely anxious
- Relationship difficulties, perhaps a breakup or conflict with peers
- Family concerns, such as divorce, serious illness, alcoholism, etc.
- Crisis situations and/or traumatic events such as death of a family member, sexual assault, loss of a friend due to an unexpected circumstance, etc.
- Referral by Student Court due to a campus violation
- Substance use which is causing difficulties in the student’s life
- Eating patterns which have become obsessive & unhealthy
- Feeling stressed, overwhelmed and unable to cope with daily life
- Unresolved past issues that continue to negatively affect the student
- Social distress, such as difficulty in making friends and interacting with others
- Life choices in regard to career, sexuality, dating, etc.
Counseling is an opportunity for students to learn about themselves and to learn how to resolve problems and issues that are troubling to them. They can talk with an individual who is not personally involved with their situation, and who can offer different perspectives and ways of looking at the situation. They can learn new skills and new ways of thinking and acting that will help them to be better able to cope with their life issues.
Students can call the Counseling Center at 304-384-5290 or email During office hours, a student assistant will answer the phone & schedule an appointment time with the counselor. Students will be asked to give their name, their email, and a contact number. The purpose of a contact number is to confirm the appointment time, or, if necessary, to change the appointment time. Students can request that we not call them. If a student is called from the Counseling Center and they are not there, a very general message would be left on the voicemail in regard to any changes in the appointment time. It is very important that students call us as soon as possible when they cannot keep an appointment, as this time could be valuable to someone else. The student may also be asked to give who referred them to the Counseling Center, though this information is not absolutely required.
If a student feels that they are in crisis or needs immediate help, it is encouraged that this student walk-in to the center or call and request an appointment for that day.
Persons who are referring students to the Counseling Center would follow the same procedure which is to call the Counseling Center to set up an appointment for the student. We would ask the name of the student, an email for the student (if available), a contact number for the student (if available), your phone number (as the referral source), and the reason for the referral. If it is a crisis situation, then the student would be scheduled to come immediately to the center or the counselor would work with you within the circumstances to help resolve the crisis.
Academic Tips contains college study tips, tricks, skills and guides to help you manage your time, take better notes, study more effectively, improve memory, take tests, and handle the stresses of college life.
Alcohol Rehab Guide
Alcohol Rehab Guide is an online resource created to help people struggling with an alcohol addiction find treatment when they need it most. The team at ARG is made up of recovering addicts and industry professionals who are dedicated to helping everyone find hope in recovery.
American Psychological Association
The American Psychological Association is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, with more than 122,500 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students as its members. APA aspires to excel as a valuable, effective and influential organization advancing psychology as a science. The core values that guide our mission include pursuit of excellence, knowledge, diversity and ethical action.
The dedicated team at is committed to making mental health information accessible, inclusive, easy-to-find, and easy-to-understand. We want anyone suffering from an anxiety disorder to have access to all the resources they need to understand and overcome their condition. This website provides the latest and most relevant information by working directly with distinguished doctors, therapists, scientists, and specialists to keep you on the cutting-edge of research and advancements in the field, while keeping our content approachable for the average reader. Our goal is to bridge the understanding gap that exists between mental health professionals and those actually dealing with anxiety disorders.
Campus Health and Safety is an online resource for higher education administrators, students, parents, and other professionals who are seeking information about creating healthier and safer living and learning environments for college and university students, both on campus and in the surrounding community. This Web site emphasizes a comprehensive public health-based approach to addressing alcohol and other drug use and violence and in promoting mental health wellness among students.
My College Guide
A comprehensive student guide with resource topics ranging from financial aid to college life.
Student Now
Provides student resources with topics such as student guides, lifestyle, college life, quick deals, and college news.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA’s mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities.
Teach Health
Provides an interactive stress scale to determine how much stress you are facing and resources to combat that stress.
Thanks for visiting ULifeline! ULifeline is an anonymous, confidential, online resource center, where you can be comfortable searching for the information you need regarding emotional health. Take a look around!
US Drug Rehab Centers
The US Drug Rehab Centers directory is committed to providing the most comprehensive resources currently available for those in need of information on residential treatment programs and outpatient rehabilitation programs nation-wide.
Our Staff

Stowers, Jenna
Clinical Assistant Professor of Social Work / Director CU Counseling Center
Email Me