Concord Admissions

A group of students posing in front of the bell tower

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An aerial shot of the Concord University campus beautiful

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Attendees of one of Concord University's Orientation sessions

Admitted Student Information

Andrea Tabor reviewing admissions information with a student

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Welcome to Concord University! We look forward to you becoming a member of our Mountain Lion family. Whether you’re from West Virginia, out of state, or even out of the country, we have a place for you on the Campus Beautiful. C U soon!

Featured Stories

Carolyn Worley '17
Director of Student Activities & Student Center

Students at CU go to Carolyn Worley for help with their student ID, when they want to join or start an organization on campus, if they need to hang a poster or flyer, or even if they just need a listening ear. Carolyn says she wants to make a student’s college experience the best years of their lives. Carolyn has worked on campus since 2004, and in her time here as an employee of several different departments and as a student, she has gained valuable knowledge of the university that makes her an important resource for students. “Each position has allowed me to develop a new set of skills,” Carolyn says. “I enjoy learning and pushing to be the best version of myself.” In 2017, she graduated with her bachelor’s degree from Concord and in 2020, she graduated with her Masters of Health Promotion.

A photo of Carolyn Worley on a sunny day

Carolyn Worley '17

Director of Student Activities & Student Center

A photo of Shawn Hatcher seated inside University Point

Shawn Hatcher '20

Princeton, W.Va.

A photo of Miranda Martin outside of the Rahall Technology Center

Miranda Martin '09

Director of Institutional Research & Data Services

A photo of Nicholas Gonzales in the alumni lounge

Nicholas Gonzales

Class of 2005

Nicholas Gonzales
Class of 2005

Nicholas Gonzales (’05) majored in Tourism Events Planning and Programming and studied under Roy Ramthun, Susan Williams, and others. While at Concord, he could be found in Student Support Services as a Peer Mentor, in the Arts Gallery as an Exhibit Guard, or out at the drive-in. He initially chose Concord because it was the furthest place from where he grew up, but was still in-state to take advantage of in-state tuition. However, over time he realized it was a good choice for many reasons. He describes his experience at Concord, “I credit CU for the success I have in my life as my experiences included three-day hiking trips in Virginia, meeting the Walt Disney World internship recruiter, whitewater rafting, a Northcoast tour with the Geography professors, a swing-dance recital, and the collection of diverse friends I made from all over the country. All helped shape my character and build a portfolio of experiences that I apply to everyday life.” He was able to balance a dynamic social life while staying on track with his studies by taking advantage of the tutoring service available on campus. Nicholas is currently serving as General Manager of Farmville’s Hotel Weyanoke. Now married with three children, Nicholas says, “I am successful and happy, and a lot of that is because of Concord University and the education, books and beyond, that I received in my time there.”

Upcoming Events

Baptist Campus Ministry (BCM)

AB Conference Room

Laurie Starcher

March27Thursday7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

CU Greek Sing


Lauren Phillips

March28Friday5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Student Government Association

State Room

Madison Brooke Sears

March31Monday4:00 PM - 6:00 PM