
We are so glad that you have chosen to be part of the Mountain Lion family.

To register for the Fall semester, you must first submit your “Reply to Offer of Admission” form and your $50 enrollment deposit. Once your deposit is received, you can log into your application portal and click “Attend Orientation” to select an Orientation date.

Upcoming Orientation Dates for 2025

  • Saturday, April 19
  • Saturday, May 17
  • Thursday, June 5
  • Friday, June 6
  • Saturday, June 7
  • Thursday, July 10
  • Friday, July 11
  • Saturday, July 12
  • Friday, July 25 (virtual)

Starting April 19, we will offer in-person orientations. Please plan to spend the morning on campus. Lunch and tours will also be provided. While you are on campus, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Meet many members of the Concord community
  • Finalize class registration
  • Meet with Financial Aid and Student Accounts
  • Register your vehicle to park on campus (have your license plate number with you).  You can also fill out this online form.
  • Touch base with IT staff to address any technology related access issues.  You will need to log into your MyConcordU account before coming to campus.
  • Visit the Campus Store

We highly recommend the in-person orientation.  However, if you cannot attend, we do offer a virtual option:

At 9:00 am on July 25, we will conduct our virtual orientation.  Once you register, you will be sent the Zoom link to the event. Please plan on spending about two hours with us.

If you participate in our virtual orientation, once you arrive on campus, please remember to:

A message from the President:

Congratulations on taking the next step towards a successful future. Being admitted to Concord University is an achievement, and you should be proud of the hard work that led you to this moment. Every admitted student brings something new to Concord, a unique perspective cultivated by your diverse backgrounds. The faculty and staff are looking forward to getting to know each of you, and I am also looking forward to learning more about your journeys at Concord.

I encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity available to you during your time on “The Campus Beautiful.”  Dedicate your efforts to finishing your degree, and maybe a minor or two. Get involved in student activities and groups; meet new people. Challenge yourself, and become the person you want to be. This is your time, and I know you will make the most of every opportunity Concord provides each student. Welcome to the Campus Beautiful!

President Kendra Boggess