Sarah M. Pritchett
Concord University
Office of Advancement
PO Box 1000, Athens, WV 24712
(304) 384-6312,
After 4 p.m.
Office: 304-384-5211
Cell: 304-320-6405
May 13, 2022
ATHENS, W.Va. – Concord University’s 61st Annual Honors Banquet was held the evening of Friday, April 15, 2022 in the Ballroom of the Jean & Jerry L. Beasley Student Center. Cardinal Key and Blue Key Honor societies hosted the event, which is sponsored by the University to honor students who have demonstrated academic excellence.
In addition to awards presented by departments and disciplines, honor societies recognized their graduating seniors at the banquet. Students graduating with University Honors were also acknowledged.
The late Professor Emerita Mary Edna Beckett and President Emeritus Joseph Marsh, Jr. organized the first Honors Banquet in 1961. Now in its sixty-first year, the tradition has continued as a way to celebrate the outstanding academic achievements of Concord University students. Since its inception, Cardinal Key and Blue Key Honor societies have cosponsored the annual event. Though many things have changed over the years, the one thing that has not changed is the pride that the faculty and staff at Concord University have in the accomplishments of students.
“We were excited to hold a physical Honors Banquet this year; we enjoyed celebrating our students’ achievements,” stated Dr. Lisa Darlington, Department Chair of Mathematics.
Dr. Darlington is the advisor for Cardinal Key and Mr. Shawn Allen, Assistant Professor of Social Work, is the advisor for Blue Key.
Descriptions of awards can be found at: Please note that not all awards are presented every year.
The honorees for 2022 include: Lucy DeNuzzo Award for Academic Excellence – Colton Lively; Concord University Alumni Association Valedictorian Award, Spring 2022 – Katherine Michelle Helmick, Chloe Martin King, Marisa S. Montgomery, and Colton Elliott Lively; Concord University Alumni Association Valedictorian Award, Fall 2021 – Christopher Adam Billings; McNair Above and Beyond Award – Briana Parsons and Alysia Inosencio;
Outstanding History Student – James B. Shrewsbury Jr. Award for Academic Excellence – Marissa Montgomery; David S. Roth Memorial Outstanding English Major Award – Hannah Stauffer; Graduates of Sigma Tau Delta – Abigail Stimson, Abigail Cooper, Marisa Montgomery, Hannah Stauffer and Dylan Pauley; Outstanding Teacher Education Majors – Elementary Education – Steven Brown, Secondary Education – Caitlin Stump, and MAT – Mathew Harvey; Ron Burgher Communications Student of the Year – Jared Sandy and Logan Bennett; Outstanding Psychology Student of the Year – Alysia Inosencio and Cameron Cook;
Graduates of Psi Chi – Amanda Banfield; Graduates of Pi Sigma Alpha – Noah Holland Clark and Jake Hamilton; Outstanding Sociology Graduate of the Year – Robert Rakes and Laura Thompson; Graduates of Concord University Honors Program – Colton Lively, Kaylin Shelton, Logan Ward, Andrew (A.J.) Wilson; Grace Watson and Hollie Naggy;
Outstanding Athletic Training Major – Hunter Bailey; Athletic Training Program Director’s Award – Outstanding Clinical Athletic Training Student – Sydney Philpott; Outstanding Computing Major – Bayleigh Meadows and Melinda Goda; Business Student of the Year – Katherine Helmick; Shott Entrepreneurial Student of the Year – Issac Prather and Britt Williams; Business Scholars (by Area of Emphasis) – Accounting – Hannah Altizer, Finance -Andrew Neff, Marketing – Maggie Guynn, Management – Keith Reed, and Sport Management – Alex Watty;
Graduates of ALEF – Micah Bates, Cameron Cook, Hannah Justice, Hollie Nagy and Austin Taylor; Hawey A. Wells, Sr. Outstanding Student in Biology Award – Jonathan Bennett; Graduates of Sigma Zeta – Briana Parsons, Daniel Baldwin, Micah Bates, Shannon Joins, Jonathan Bennett and Kaylin Shelton; Graduates of Cardinal Key – Bayleigh Meadows, Caitlin Stump, Hunter Bailey, Brianna Parsons and Sydney Philpott; Graduates of Blue Key – Daniel Baldwin, Micah Bates, Jonathan “Tucker” Bennett, Hunter Mitchelson and Colton Lively; Outstanding Student in Legal Studies and Pre-Law – Hannah Cooke; Outstanding Social Work Graduate – Madeline Hawkins; Graduates of Phi Alpha – Madison Berg and Madyson Kennedy; Graduates of Alpha Psi Omega – Corey Lucas, Melinda Goda and Skyler McAllister; and, Graduates of Delta Mu Delta – Katherine Helmick, Emily Peck, Aubrie Peyton, Keith Reed and
Zachary Roney.
Graduates with University Honors
FALL 2021 | SPRING 2022 |
Summa Cum Laude Bre Faith Bailey Morgan Renee Ballard Christopher Adam Billings Steven Chase Brown Zoe Alana Colley Remington Trevor Scott Darago Benjamin David Dheel Kameron Jeffary Doughty Kristen Michelle Wade Alysia Annabel Inosencio Nathan Kyle NicholsMagna Cum Laude Gavin Alexander Lee Brandenburg Josie Ryann Brewer Melanie A Burnette Noah Holland Clark Kayleigh D. Humphreys Rachel Marie Jarvis Roland Hurst Jaworski Tucker Clay Lilly Moe Sodeno Grace Isabella Watson Peyton Rachelle Wiseman Katelyn Lucille Gration Cum Laude Honors in Major Field |
Summa Cum Laude Hannah Altizer Amanda Banfield Joseph D Barton Breanne N Fields Leah Beth Foster Aaliyah Sue Morgan Gerwig Matthew Colin Harvey Madeline Kate Hawkins Charles Hawley Katherine Michelle Helmick Colton Elliott Lively Chloe Martin King Skyler Nekole McCallister Megan LouAnn McGraw Bayleigh Anne Meadows Marisa S Montgomery Yasmin Neve Mosby Robert M Rakes II Kaylin Shelton Karlee Jean Forren Hannah Grace Stauffer Abigail E Stimson Abigail E Stimson Laura Sun Thompson Laura Sun Thompson Tsega Tsewameskel Zachary Evan White Kameron WhittakerMagna Cum Laude Hunter Bailey Tucker Bennett Tucker Bennett Madison Aliece Berg Victoria Ann Cobb Cameron Cook Erin Carene Duffy Meredith Kay Gwinn Jacob M Hamilton Tori Hanes Payton Alexis Hurd Rachel Marie Jarvis Shannon Joins Brandon Kennedy Madison Belle Maynard Keith R Reed Robert Lee Snidow Caitlin Stump Grace I Watson Cum Laude Honors in Major Field |
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