Institutional Research

Our mission is to provide data to support institutional improvement and effectiveness, as well as federal and state compliance. The Office of Institutional Research adheres to the Code of Ethics and Professional Practice of the Association of Institutional Research.

The 2024-2025 academic year evaluation schedule
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2023 Fast Facts

Founded in 1872, Concord University is a public university dedicated to improving the lives of students and the community. The University is dedicated to innovative teaching and learning, intellectual and creative activities, and community service and civic engagement.


Total Enrollment = 1,798

Undergraduate = 1,472

Graduate = 326


Fall to Fall Retention Rate = 49%


(2017 Cohort)

6-year Graduation Rate = 42%

Degrees Conferred = 446

Graduate Outcomes

(4 years after graduation)

Working in WV = 59%

Bachelor’s Degree Median Salary = $39,992

Master’s Degree Median Salary = $49,224

Licensure Pass Rate

Teacher Licensure = 100%

Social Work Licensure (Clinical) = 60%

Social Work Licensure (Master’s) = 40.7%

Social Work Licensure (Bachelor’s) = 48.5%


Direct Annual Economic Impact = $36.8 Million

For every $1.00 in state appropriations, $3.40 is returned to taxpayers

Grants and Sponsored Programs Value = $12 Million

Jobs Supported = 309

Breakdown of Students
First Time Freshman 443
Veterans 28
High School 65
Transfers 136
Countries Represented 31
States Represented 30
WV Counties Represented 51
Pell (UG Degree-Seeking) 52.4%
First-Generation 68%
Breakdown of
Full-Time Faculty
Total Full-Time Faculty 106
Women 58
Men 48
Faculty From Minority Background 12%
Faculty With Terminal Degree 67%
Average Salary (All Ranks) $60,381
(Fall 22)
Student-to-Faculty Ratio 15:1
22-23 IPEDS Cost & Financial Aid
In-State Tuition & Fees $9,100
Out-of-State Tuition & Fees $19,340
Room and Board (on-campus) $10,090
Books and Supplies $1,100
Other Expenses $3,228
Full-Time Freshmen with Aid 96%
Average Full-Time 1st Year Aid $9,805

Academics Matter

With over 70 majors, minors, and areas of study, Concord University is a place where you can succeed academically. Class sizes are small, with an average class size of 14 students in Fall 2023. 34% of our degree-seeking undergraduate students are enrolled in State high priority programs. Additionally, 17% of our Fall 2023 students are PROMISE Scholars. Concord University also provides many excellent academic programs for our students, and is the only University in West Virginia with a McNair Scholars Program.

Institutional Research Staff

Martin, Miranda
Martin, Miranda
Director of Institutional Research & Data Services
Email Me
Ladner, Dara
Ladner, Dara
Title III Data Analyst
Email Me