Pell Eligible? WV Residents Could Get a CU Degree, Tuition FREE!
For the 2024-2025 academic year, incoming freshman, current students and transfer students who meet the criteria are eligible for the CU FREE program.
Qualifying students MUST
- Be Pell grant eligible
- Be a West Virginia resident eligible for WV Higher Education Grant
- Have a GPA of at least 2.0, if an incoming freshman
- Have a GPA of at least 2.0, transfer student
- Have filed their FAFSA before April 15
- Be enrolled full-time (at least 12 credits a semester) at Concord.
This is a last dollar in after all federal, state, institutional, and outside resources have been applied, for tuition & fees only.
CU FREE will renew for 4 continuous years (or 8 semesters) for first time, first year students. Transfer students can renew up to 8 semesters depending on the credits transferred into Concord. Eligible students must also:
- Remain continuously enrolled
- Remain enrolled full-time
- Remain Pell Grant & WV Higher Education Grant eligible
- Complete the FAFSA each year by April 15
- Maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA
- Earn at least 24 credit hours each year
- Meet satisfactory academic progress.
This program does not apply to summer semesters.
Your completed application with the Concord University Admissions Office is all that is required to enroll in the CU FREE program.