Sheila Womack

Womack, Sheila Barnhart

Title: Interim Director of GEAR UP SWV

Department: GEAR UP

Phone: 304-384-5128

Room: Grant House

Box: D-202

Womack, Sheila Barnhart


Sheila Barnhart Womack currently serves as Interim Director of GEAR UP SWV at Concord University. She previously served as the Director of Student Success in the Center for Academic and Career Development. Dr. Womack began working in the CACD in 2018 and enjoys supporting Concord’s students as they pursue their goals!


  • D.M.A. in Piano Performance, West Virginia University (2014)
  • M.M. in Piano Performance, West Virginia University (2010)
  • B.M. in Piano Performance, Westminster College (2008)


Blind Review Publication

Barnhart, Sheila and Christine Kefferstan. “Engaging, Accessible, and Fresh: Feruccio Busoni’s Two Piano Transcriptions of Works by Mozart.” MTNA E-Journal (September 2011): 11-22.

Referred Presentations & Posters

Barnhart, Sheila, Khe Sin Khoo and Justin Krueger. (2014). Technology Tips, Tricks, and Tools for the 21st Century Piano Teacher. Session presented at the 2014 Music Teachers National Association National Conference: Chicago, IL.

Barnhart, Sheila. (2013). Chopin’s Preludes: Teaching Technical Skills without the Scary Title of Etude. Poster presented at the Research Poster Presentation at the 2013 National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy: Lombard, IL.

Barnhart, Sheila and Christine Kefferstan. (2013). Chopin’s Preludes: Teaching Technical Skills without the Scary Title of Etude. Poster presented at the 2013 West Virginia University College of Creative Arts Student-Faculty Mentored Research Poster Competition: Morgantown, WV.

Invited Presentations

Barnhart Womack, Sheila (2022). Under-prepared: Building Programs to Meet the Needs of Incoming Students. Session to be presented at the 2022 West Virginia Association of Student Personnel Administrators (WVASPA) State Conference: Canaan Valley, WV.

Barnhart Womack, Sheila and Maria Harer (2021). Gen Z: Why is Communicating with the Most Connected Generation So Difficult? Session presented at the 2021 West Virginia Association of Student Personnel Administrators (WVASPA) State Conference: Canaan Valley, WV.

Barnhart, Sheila and Justin Krueger. (2013). Technology Tips, Tricks, and Tools for the 21st
Century Piano Teacher. Session presented at the 2013 West Virginia Music Teachers Association State Conference: West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.

Barnhart, Sheila. (2012). Chopin’s Preludes: Teaching Technical Skills without the Scary Title of Etude. Session presented at the 2012 West Virginia Music Teachers Association State Conference: Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV.

Kefferstan, Christine and Sheila Barnhart. Mozart-Busoni Two-Piano Transcriptions. Session presented at the 2010 joint West Virginia and Virginia Music Teachers Association State Conference: James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Va.