Master of Education Programs are fully online and prepare licensed teachers in the areas of Educational Leadership & Supervision (PreK-Adult) or Reading Specialist (PreK-Adult). M.Ed. Programs are 36-hours, and are specifically designed for licensed or license eligible teachers. Coursework includes 12-hours of Professional Education coursework and 24 hours of content specialization coursework. Candidates must be employed in a K-12 school system prior to enrollment in the Master of Education Program capstone coursework. Candidates who hold a masters degree from an accredited institution and teacher certification/licensure may be eligible to complete a certificate program in Educational Leadership and Supervision (18 hours) or Reading Specialist (24 hours). Certificate programs do not qualify for financial aid. Candidates who hold a Multi-Categorical endorsement/certification may be eligible to enroll in Autism Endorsement coursework (6 hours). Autism Endorsement course offering is subject to enrollment/candidate interest, and available qualified faculty. Licensed individuals may also choose to enroll as non-degree seeking students and take graduate courses for re-certification, to provide greater specialization within one’s field, or to assist in professional advancement. All Master of Education candidates complete a program application. Admission to the M.Ed. program shall be based upon a careful consideration of the applicant’s total record including a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university, overall grade point average, letters of recommendation and disposition assessment. A candidate may apply to the Master of Education Program, and be conditionally accepted. Conditionally accepted candidates can take nine (9) credit-hours of coursework before full admission requirements to the program must be met. Permission from the Director of Graduate Studies must be obtained to be conditionally enrolled in nine hours of graduate courses. Failure to complete all admission requirements after nine (9) hours of coursework will result in program dismissal, and administrative withdrawal from any additional graduate level coursework. For acceptance into the Master of Education Program, candidates must meet the following requirements: Graduate candidates must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or better throughout the program. Candidates whose GPA falls below a 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. In order to graduate from the M. Ed. Program an overall 3.0 GPA is required. Candidates who are placed on academic probation for two consecutive semesters will be removed from the graduate program due to academic deficiency. In addition, candidates must earn the minimum grade of “C” to successfully complete a course. To afford graduates with authentic classroom and administrative experiences, all candidates will be required to complete clinical experiences/practicums associated with M.Ed. coursework. Candidates must submit a Clinical Experience Form at the beginning of each semester in order to be assigned a clinical experience. Candidates must complete all required hours and assessments by the end of each semester. Each candidate will be assigned a mentor which will serve as a classroom guide throughout their clinical experience/practicum. All Master of Education candidates will be required to purchase LiveText in order to successfully complete all field placement and internship/practicum evaluations, assessments, and time-logs. Concord University is involved in a collaborative with local public schools. The Partner Schools are designed to prepare future educators, to provide current educators with ongoing professional development, to encourage joint school-university faculty investigation of education-related issues, and to promote the learning of P-12 students. The Partner Schools, structured as a network that includes University and public school faculty, parents, and community partners, seek to improve teacher education and meet professional development needs and goals as identified by public school faculty. The partnership collaborative provides the bridges that connect Concord’s teacher education program to the daily instructional practices that occur in P-12 schools. The Partner Schools serve as clinical sites for teacher candidates to teach under the guidance of an expert mentor teacher. The clinical experiences allow faculty from Concord and the partnerships to collaborate extensively in providing quality experiences for all teacher candidates involved in the initiative. The public schools benefit from the expertise of the University faculty and the significant contributions the teacher candidates make to the school. The children in these schools benefit from the additional adult attention as well as from the enthusiasm and new learning strategies that teacher candidates often bring to the classroom as they prepare to become teachers. Candidates working toward the M.Ed. degree are advised that all phases of teacher education require cooperative efforts between Concord University, the public school system and other agencies. Candidates are subject to all policies, rules, and regulations of the county school system and placement school itself. A placement may be rejected and/or terminated by the county, principal, mentor, Concord University or legal representatives of these agencies or schools if a candidate fails to meet the professional standards of the cooperating school, agency, or the University. Graduate candidates must apply for graduation by downloading and submitting a Graduation Application. A graduation fee of $50 must be paid to the business office, and the graduation gown is to be ordered at the Concord University bookstore. Once the business office and bookstore have signed the application for graduation, it is to be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. A graduation audit will then be completed to ensure that all requirements for graduation have been met. Graduation requirements include completion of the 36 hour program with a 3.0 GPA within five years. The provider ensures that candidates for professional specialties develop an understanding of the critical concepts and principles of their discipline and facilitates candidates’ reflection of their personal biases to increase their understanding and practice of equity, diversity, and inclusion. The provider is intentional in the development of their curriculum for candidates to demonstrate their ability to effectively work with diverse P-12 students and their families The provider ensures that effective partnerships and high-quality clinical practice are central to preparation so that candidates develop the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions appropriate for their professional specialty field. The provider demonstrates that the quality of advanced program candidates is an ongoing and intentional focus so that completers are prepared to perform effectively and can be recommended for certification where applicable. The provider documents the satisfaction of its completers and their employers with the relevance and effectiveness of their preparation. The provider maintains a quality assurance system that consists of valid data from multiple measures and supports continuous improvement that is sustained and evidence-based. The system is developed and maintained with input from internal and external stakeholders. The provider uses the results of inquiry and data collection to establish priorities, enhance program elements, and highlight innovations. The EPP has the fiscal and administrative capacity, faculty, infrastructure (facilities, equipment, and supplies) and other resources as appropriate to the scale of its operations and as necessary for the preparation of candidates to meet professional, state, and institutional standards. For EPPs whose institution is accredited by an accreditor recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education (e.g., SACSCOC, HLC), such accreditation will be considered sufficient evidence of compliance with Standard.6. If an EPP’s institution is not accredited by an accreditor recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education, the EPP must address each component of ST 6 in narrative supported by evidence.Master of Education
Master of Education Conditional Acceptance Requirements – must be met prior to enrollment any M.Ed. coursework (regular programs and/or certificate only programs):
Master of Education Full Acceptance Requirements – must be met prior to completion of 9th credit hour (regular programs and/or certificate only programs):
Clinical Experiences & Practicums
Partner Schools
Standard A1: Content and Pedagogical Knowledge
Standard A2: Clinical Partnerships and Practice
Standard A3: Candidate Quality and Selectivity
Standard A4: Satisfaction with Preparation
Standard A5: Quality Assurance System & Continuous Improvement
Standard A6: Fiscal and Administrative Capacity
Master of Education Programs are fully online and prepare licensed teachers in the areas of Educational Leadership & Supervision (PreK-Adult) or Reading Specialist (PreK-Adult). M.Ed. Programs are 36-hours, and are specifically designed for licensed or license eligible teachers. Coursework includes 12-hours of Professional Education coursework and 24 hours of content specialization coursework. Candidates must be employed in a K-12 school system prior to enrollment in the Master of Education Program capstone coursework. Candidates who hold a masters degree from an accredited institution and teacher certification/licensure may be eligible to complete a certificate program in Educational Leadership and Supervision (18 hours) or Reading Specialist (24 hours). Certificate programs do not qualify for financial aid. Candidates who hold a Multi-Categorical endorsement/certification may be eligible to enroll in Autism Endorsement coursework (6 hours). Autism Endorsement course offering is subject to enrollment/candidate interest, and available qualified faculty. Licensed individuals may also choose to enroll as non-degree seeking students and take graduate courses for re-certification, to provide greater specialization within one’s field, or to assist in professional advancement.Master of Education