Microsoft Workplace Discount Program

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Concord Students: Concord University provides free access to all Microsoft 365 products to students through your MyConcordU email account!

Concord Employees: Get Microsoft 365 for your family at a 30% discount through the Microsoft Workplace Discount Program (formerly called The Microsoft Home Use Program). Use your discount here!

For more information regarding the program, please visit Microsoft’s FAQ webpage.

Microsoft Cloud logoProtect What’s Important
Know that your files are secured with advanced security features and back up your files with OneDrive cloud storage.
Microsoft PowerPoint logoBring Your Ideas to Life
 You get smart assistance features as soon as they are released and choose from hundreds of premium templates in PowerPoint.
Microsoft Outlook logoOrganize Your Time
Now you can manage multiple calendars in one view to stay on top of work meetings, remote schooling and family time.
Microsoft Word LogoAccomplish More Together
Whether it’s a school project, sales pitch, or newsletter, you can seamlessly work with others at the same time to bring your ideas and plans together faster.