University Assessment

Concord University’s assessment of student academic achievement is used to make informed curricular and instructional decisions for the purpose of improving student learning. Concord University has an ongoing assessment program that is closely tied to the University’s mission and its educational goals.

Concord University believes that assessment is critical to the success of academic programs and student learning. Currently, the University Director of Assessment oversees and organizes assessment activities. A campus-wide University Assessment Committee (UAC) comprised of representatives from administration, academic support units, departments, and student affairs reviews assessment plans/reports and acts as a resource for program assessment.

University Goals and Learning Outcomes

  1. Knowledge/Mastery of Content: Students will demonstrate a depth of knowledge and apply the methods of inquiry in a discipline of their choosing, and they will demonstrate a breadth of knowledge across varied disciplines.
  2. Critical Thinking: Student will demonstrate the ability to access, analyze, and interpret information, respond and adapt to changing situations, make complex decisions, solve problems, and evaluate actions.
  3. Communication: Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate clearly and effectively.
  4. Personal, Civic, Cultural, and Global Competence: Students will demonstrate awareness and understanding of the skills necessary to live and work in a diverse world.

Concord University assessment process has evolved over the last decade.  The University has focused on the development of programmatic and university-wide assessment based on data collection and analysis.  Assessment was placed under the responsibility of the Vice President of Academic Affairs in 1997.  A Director of Assessment and a University-wide assessment committee with representation from the administration, each of the eleven academic departments, as well as from student affairs was charged with oversight of university assessment activities shortly thereafter.  A regular review of programmatic and university assessment was established and implemented at that time.

In keeping with the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission’s (WVHEPC)Series 10-Policy Regarding Program Review and Planning,

Concord University’s Board of Governors is responsible for reviewing the external demand, quality of outcomes, and delivery costs. The WVHEPC mandates that “each institution shall perform an evaluation of all academic programs at least once every five years and provide a report on the status of these programs to the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission in a format determined by the Commission. In keeping with policy, approximately 20% of the University’s programs are reviewed each year.  (See the Concord University Program Review Schedule).

Each five-year program review includes a self-study that addresses the programs development and expectations, internal and external demand, quality of inputs and outcomes, delivery costs and program impact.  As specified by WVHEPC policy, each five-year program review must be reviewed by an outside evaluator from outside the program or outside the institution, as well as by University administrators, and the institutional governing board.  At Concord, the outside evaluation is conducted by the University Assessment Committee, the Provost and President, and the Concord University Board of Governors.

In addition to each five-year program review, each academic program is expected to conduct annual assessment reviews and submit a report to the University Assessment Committee.  As of Fall 2022, these reports include assessment and programmatic information on all academic minors.  These reports use a common template to provide programmatic summary data and analysis for each academic year that is used to inform program faculty and drive indicated changes.

The Annual University Assessment reports are reviewed by the University Assessment Committee and written feedback/recommendations are provided to program department chairs and University administrators.

Co-curricular at Concord University includes programs and activities that complement the curriculum, enhance student experience, and reinforce the University’s Mission and Student Learning Goals. Examples: student research opportunities, domestic and international study trips, internships and practicum, service organizations and student government, honor societies, athletics, etc.  Concord assesses co-curricular programs in multiple areas across campus including Bonner Scholar, CACD, Housing and Res Life, Multicultural Affairs, Student Activities, and Student Support Services.

The general education program is appropriate to the mission, educational offerings, and degree levels of the institution. The institution articulates the purposes, content, and intended learning outcomes of its undergraduate general education requirements. Concord University strives to ensure that students come away from their experience with knowledge and skills that will enable them to fulfill their personal and professional aspirations and awareness in respect to their chosen discipline.  The learning goals and outcomes are derived from national research and best practices surrounding liberal arts education and Concord University’s mission.  The goals are a shared vision of what is expected of all Concord graduates. The educational programs of Concord University are designed to foster knowledge/mastery of content, critical thinking, communication, and personal, civic, cultural, and global competence.

General Education courses are mapped to the University’s learning goals and outcomes in order to document student learning in the General Education program. Using a common assessment rubric, data is collected from all General Education courses at the end of each semester. The University uses Qualtrics to collect the data from the General Education courses offered each semester. Throughout the assessment process, faculty and academic administrators are instrumental in collecting and analyzing data from the General Education program and individual programs in order to make informed decisions and changes. Data from Qualtrics is distributed to department chairs, deans, provost, and available on the University Assessment webpage. Academic departments are encouraged to analyze, evaluate, and make continuous improvement for student learning.

General Education Assessment Rubric
General Education Assessment Fall 2017 – Fall 2018
General Education Assessment Spring 2018 – Spring 2019
General Education Assessment Fall 2020
General Education Assessment Spring 2021
General Education Assessment Fall 2021
General Education Assessment Spring 2022
Spring 2023 General Education Assessment Data
Fall 2023 General Education Assessment Data

General Education Course Mapping
University Goals and Learning Outcomes
Assessment Day Documents Fall 2021
Assessment Day Documents Spring 2022

Assessment Day Documents Fall 2022

Soon you will be a Concord University graduate. While a member of the Concord community, you have contributed much to Concord in your time here, and it is our sincere hope that your academic and life experiences at Concord have contributed to your personal and intellectual growth. Your responses to this questionnaire will provide valuable input to Concord for making decisions to improve our academic programs and our services for students. All responses are anonymous and confidential.  Thank you for your assistance and best wishes for continued success.

Click Here to Take The Survey Now

Archived Surveys

Students have the option to complete an on-line course evaluation a the end of each semester. The office of Technology Services sends a link to students enrolled in each class to complete evaluations, as well as a reminder as the due date for completion nears.

The University Assessment Committee is charged to guide in planning and implementing University assessment framework and activities; to facilitate a forum for assessment; and to provide assessment support for the colleges and academic departments. The committee is comprised of members of the administration, a Faculty representative from each academic department, and representatives from several co-curricular areas, including student affairs.

Concord University Assessment is dedicated to the improvement of educational practice through assessment of teaching and learning and through evaluation and support of educational programs and services. Concord uses assessment to make informed curricular and instructional decisions for the purpose of improving student learning.

The goals of University Assessment are to:

  1. Provide and maintain a formal assessment plan for the university, including a statement of the university’s learning goals and a system of regularly reporting the extent to which they are being achieved
  2. Provide a system by which units of the college will regularly assess their own performance and assist faculty/staff in reporting as needed
  3. Integrate assessment with planning, both at the level of the strategic plan and the level of departments, programs, and offices of the university
  4. Maintain expertise in methods of assessment and act as a resource for individuals and areas on campus that seek to improve their educational impact
  5. Gather, summarize, and share what practitioners at Concord University are learning about student learning
  6. Assess and advance student learning by working with and collaborating with faculty
  7. Serve as a campus resource for faculty and staff from across the university who are engaging in assessment, and seek out partnerships with curricular and co-curricular groups

University Assessment Committee Members

Bean Jr, Michael
Bean Jr, Michael
Associate Professor of Education / Director of Culture and Engagement / Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach
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Biggs, James
Biggs, James
Professor of Art / Gallery Director
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Bowe, Lonnie
Bowe, Lonnie
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
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Hardy, Anna
Hardy, Anna
Chief Student Affairs Officer & Dean of Students
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Howard, Sally
Howard, Sally
Professor of Political Science / Chair, Department of Social Sciences
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Huffstetler, Edward W.
Huffstetler, Edward W.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
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Makous, John
Makous, John
Assistant Professor of Physics
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Meeteer, Wesley
Meeteer, Wesley
Professor of Health Sciences
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Patricia, Anthony
Patricia, Anthony
Associate Professor of English
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Robinett, Susan
Robinett, Susan
Director of the MBA Program & Professor of Business
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Sauchuck, Amanda
Sauchuck, Amanda
Associate Provost / Director of Assessment
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Snider, Martha
Snider, Martha
Assistant Professor of Nursing
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Ude, Paula
Ude, Paula
Assistant Professor of Social Work
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Wise, Darla
Wise, Darla
Professor of Biology
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