Concord University assessment process has evolved over the last decade. The University has focused on the development of programmatic and university-wide assessment based on data collection and analysis. Assessment was placed under the responsibility of the Vice President of Academic Affairs in 1997. A Director of Assessment and a University-wide assessment committee with representation from the administration, each of the eleven academic departments, as well as from student affairs was charged with oversight of university assessment activities shortly thereafter. A regular review of programmatic and university assessment was established and implemented at that time.
In keeping with the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission’s (WVHEPC)Series 10-Policy Regarding Program Review and Planning,
Concord University’s Board of Governors is responsible for reviewing the external demand, quality of outcomes, and delivery costs. The WVHEPC mandates that “each institution shall perform an evaluation of all academic programs at least once every five years and provide a report on the status of these programs to the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission in a format determined by the Commission. In keeping with policy, approximately 20% of the University’s programs are reviewed each year. (See the Concord University Program Review Schedule).
Each five-year program review includes a self-study that addresses the programs development and expectations, internal and external demand, quality of inputs and outcomes, delivery costs and program impact. As specified by WVHEPC policy, each five-year program review must be reviewed by an outside evaluator from outside the program or outside the institution, as well as by University administrators, and the institutional governing board. At Concord, the outside evaluation is conducted by the University Assessment Committee, the Provost and President, and the Concord University Board of Governors.
In addition to each five-year program review, each academic program is expected to conduct annual assessment reviews and submit a report to the University Assessment Committee. As of Fall 2022, these reports include assessment and programmatic information on all academic minors. These reports use a common template to provide programmatic summary data and analysis for each academic year that is used to inform program faculty and drive indicated changes.
The Annual University Assessment reports are reviewed by the University Assessment Committee and written feedback/recommendations are provided to program department chairs and University administrators.
Co-curricular at Concord University includes programs and activities that complement the curriculum, enhance student experience, and reinforce the University’s Mission and Student Learning Goals. Examples: student research opportunities, domestic and international study trips, internships and practicum, service organizations and student government, honor societies, athletics, etc. Concord assesses co-curricular programs in multiple areas across campus including Bonner Scholar, CACD, Housing and Res Life, Multicultural Affairs, Student Activities, and Student Support Services.