Sarah M. Pritchett
Concord University
Office of Advancement
PO Box 1000, Athens, WV 24712
(304) 384-6312, news@concord.edu
After 4 p.m.
Office: 304-384-5211
Cell: 304-320-6405
March 23, 2022
ATHENS, W.Va. – The second installment of a health sciences lecture series on COVID-19 Vaccination is being announced by Concord University. Dr. John Saindon will speak on Monday, March 28, 2022. His remote presentation will begin at 1 p.m. and is available for viewing in Room 304 of the Rahall Technology Center.
The general public is invited to join the Concord campus community in attending this event at no charge. For information on attending remotely, please contact Dr. Jill Nolan at jnolan@concord.edu or 304-384-6327.
Dr. Saindon is a senior emergency public health responder, a medical planner in the United States Army Reserves, and a university dissertation chairperson with nearly 20 years of domestic and international experiences.
His public health focus areas include laboratory systems, surveillance, vaccination campaigns, points of entries, and emergency preparedness and response. Dr. Saindon has completed his PhD in Health Sciences (emphasis in Global Health) at the Nova Southeastern University College of Health Science. He is also a registered Clinical Laboratory Scientist (Medical Technologist) from George Washington University.
In addition, John has deployed multiple times to Liberia during the 2014 West Africa Ebola Virus Response, to DR Congo during the 2019 Ebola Virus Response, to the United States during the 2020-2021 COVID-19 response, and to Uganda during the 2021 EVD Preparedness response. He has also supported refugee health for the vulnerable Afghanistan population in Operation Allies Welcome.
John is currently on assignment in Tanzania as Team Lead for the Polio Response. In his spare time, he is a human rights and vaccine advocate with focus on vulnerable populations.
“I had the good fortune of serving with Dr. Saindon on a dissertation committee this past year,” stated Dr. Jill Nolan, Associate Professor of Health Education. “When I learned of his experience, I quickly asked if he would be willing to speak to my students. His is the type of public health work that is essential to global health and preventing and managing pandemics. I’m so glad to open this event up to the campus community.”
Concord University received a mini grant from the American College Health Association to conduct the lecture series to promote factual information on COVID-19 Vaccination. The first presentation on March 15 featured Dr. Brad Price, Chief Data Scientist for the Governor of West Virginia’s Joint Interagency Task Force on COVID-19. The goal of the lecture series is to demonstrate examples of careers in health sciences and to provide information on COVID-Vaccination.
For additional information, please contact Dr. Jill Nolan at jnolan@concord.edu or 304-384-6327.
Dr. John Saindon
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could impact how and if events are held. For the most up-to-date information, always check https://www.concord.edu/About/Return-to-Campus-Plan.aspx
Masking will be optional in all Concord University facilities as long as Mercer County remains in the Green or Yellow on the CDC’s COVID-19 community level map, and the on-campus cases remain low in number.
This reflects the latest guidance by the CDC.
We appreciate your compliance as we do our best to keep students, employees and visitors to campus safe.
Persons with disabilities should contact Nancy Ellison, 1-304-384-6086 or 1-800-344-6679 extension 6086, if special assistance is required for access to an event scheduled by the University on campus.