Return of Title IV Funds Policy
Financial aid is awarded under the assumption that the student will attend for the entire semester. Students who receive financial aid and find it necessary to withdraw from all classes may be required to reimburse a percentage of funds received. This is a separate calculation from the institution’s tuition and fees refund policy.
New federal rule changes to Return to Title IV went into effect on July 1, 2021 that now require the financial aid office to consider the following exemptions below when determining if a student must go through the Return to Title IV calculation. If none are met, then the student must go through the Return to Title IV calculation.
- The student totally withdrew but completed all requirements for graduation.
- The student successfully completed Title IV-eligible coursework in one module or combination of modules that equals 49% or more of the number of countable days in the payment period or period of enrollment. Successful completion means the student earned a passing grade D or higher. A module is a course that does not span the entire length of the payment period. For example, our 1st 8 weeks and 2nd 8-week courses are considered modules.
- The student successfully completed Title IV-eligible coursework equal to or greater than what the school considers to be half-time enrollment for the payment period or period of enrollment.
Federal Title IV funds recipients are subject to the “Return of Title IV Funds” Policy which is based on the percentage of the enrollment period completed and the amount of Title IV aid disbursed.
- The percentage of time completed in the enrollment period is calculated by dividing the number of days completed by the total number of days in the enrollment period. After 60 percent of the semester is completed, there is no return of Title IV funds.
- The withdrawal date is determined by the Registrar.
- The amount of earned aid is calculated by multiplying the amount of disbursed Title IV funds by the percentage of time completed.
- The amount to be returned to the Department of Education is determined by taking the total amount of disbursed aid and subtracting from it the amount of earned aid.
- The institution’s share of the amount to be returned is calculated by multiplying institutional charges by the percentage of time not enrolled. The student’s share is calculated by subtracting the amount the school must return from the total amount to be returned.
- Loans are repaid by the student according to the terms and conditions of the promissory note.
- Any grant amount owed by the student is applied to their student account and repaid by the school.
Title IV funds are returned to the programs from which the student received aid in the following order:
- Unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loans
- Subsidized Direct Stafford Loans
- Federal PLUS Loans
- Federal Pell Grants for which a return is required
- Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) for which a return is required
- Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant for which a return is required
The university is required to return the amount of Title IV funds for which it is responsible no later than 45 days after the date of the determination that a student is withdrawn. Any grant overpayments due to the Department of Education by the student will be paid by the University and added to the student’s account balance for which the student will be responsible. Students who have FSA funds returned and owe money to the institution are notified by mail and a ‘Business Office Hold’ is placed on the account.
If the student or parent is eligible for a post-withdrawal loan disbursement, the school must notify the student or parent in writing advising them of the eligibility for a post-withdrawal disbursement. The school must advise the student or parent that they have 30 calendar days from the date the school sent the notification to accept the post-withdrawal disbursement. If a student or parent submits a timely response accepting all or a portion of a post-withdrawal loan disbursement, per the student’s or parent’s instructions, the school must disburse the loan funds within 180 days of the date of the institution’s determination that the student withdrew. If the student is eligible for a post-withdrawal Title IV grant disbursement, the school is permitted to credit the student’s account with the post withdrawal disbursement of grant funds to cover current outstanding allowable charges without the student’s permission for tuition, fees, and room and board. To cover charges other than current charges, a school must obtain a student’s authorization to credit a student’s account with Title IV grant funds. The school must disburse the grant funds within 45 days of the date of the institution’s determination that the student withdrew.
West Virginia State, Institutional and Athletic aid is returned based on the following conditions:
Whether or not a student receives Title IV aid, the refund percentage follows the federal policy listed above.
Note about waivers: DHHR, HSTA, SOCW match new tuition after refund.
Official Withdrawal
Students must contact the Center for Academic & Career Development to officially withdraw from the university. The student’s official withdrawal date is the date that he/she completes the withdrawal form and officially withdraws from the University.
Unofficial Withdrawal
For students that cease attendance and do not complete the official withdrawal process, the university must determine the last date of attendance and do a refund calculation if the date is during the refund period. If a student who began attendance and has not officially withdrawn fails to earn a passing grade in at least one course, the university is required to assume, for Title IV purposes, that the student has unofficially withdrawn and the last date of attendance must be determined and a refund calculation completed if the date is during the refund period. The student’s unofficial withdrawal date is the date that the student stopped attending classes determined by each individual professor.
Should a student wish to contest the date of withdrawal, they must contact the Provost Office to complete an Academic Exception Form.