Subedi, Tulasi
Title: Assistant Professor of Physics
College: College of Science, Mathematics, and Health
Department: Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences
Phone: 304-384-6025
Discipline: Physics
Room: Marsh Hall Administration Building, Room 125A
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Subedi, Tulasi
Tulasi Subedi is an assistant professor of physics in the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences. Dr. Subedi is passionate about teaching physics and helping students to comprehend physics concepts and their application to other disciplines. He taught high school physics in Nepal for two years after completing his MS and taught labs at Virginia Tech during his Ph.D. He has experience in teaching physics to a diverse group of students.
Postdoctoral Associate, Virginia Tech, 2020-2022
Ph. D., Physics, Virginia Tech, 2020
M. S., Physics, Tribhuvan University, 2012
B. S., Physics, Tribhuvan University, 2008
Dr. Subedi’s research interests include neutrino experiments, detector R&D, and readout system
development. As a mentor, his academic focus is to provide interdisciplinary research
experience to students in data analysis, machine learning, FPGAs, and particle physics.
Selected Publications
- Akimov, D., et al. “The COHERENT experimental program.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.04575 (2022)
- Connor Awe, Phillip Barbeau, Alireza Haghighat, Sam Hedges, Tyler Johnson, Shengchao Li, Jonathan M. Link, Valerio Mascolino, Jay Runge, Jacob Steenis, Tulasi Subedi, and Keegan Walkup. Measurement of Proton Quenching in a Plastic Scintillator Detector. Journal of Instrumentation 16.02 (2021): P02035.
- Alireza Haghighat, Patrick Huber, Shengchao Li, Jonathan M. Link, Camillo Mariani,Jaewon Park, and Tulasi Subedi. Observation of Reactor Antineutrinos with a Rapidly-Deployable Surface-Level Detector. Physical Review Applied 13.3 (2020): 034028.
- Tulasi Subedi, Jonathan M. Link, Shengchao Li, Jaewon Park, Patrick Huber, Camillo Mariani, and Alireza Haghighat. Reactor Antineutrino Detection Using CHANDLER: A New Portable Neutrino Detector. PoS NuFACT2018 (2019) 059