Snider, Martha
Title: Assistant Professor of Nursing
College: College of Science, Mathematics, and Health
Department: Department of Nursing, University Assessment
Phone: 304-384-6042
Room: Fine Arts M07
Box: F30
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Snider, Martha
I graduated from Alexandria Hospital School of Nursing, which was a diploma program. After practicing as an RN for several years, I received an MSN degree in nursing informatics then I earned a Doctorate of Nursing Practice and Postmaster’s in Nursing education, all from Walden University, giving me the education and knowledge to teach nursing students and lead nurses into the future. I grew up in the DC area but now live in WV near the Greenbrier Resort. My family and I love living in the mountains and hiking in the State Forest right behind our house. I stopped working and traveling to DC, where I worked weekends at the Washington Hospital Center for over 30 years as an ICU nurse when I became a full-time associate professor at Dabney College, educating ADN students. When a leadership opportunity opened as a Coordinator of an LPN program, I switched and have been educating and directing an LPN program for the past two years. I have recently accepted an assistant professor position at Concord University, where I will help develop and implement a BSN program from the ground up. I am passionate about improving people’s health and have been involved in implementing the patient-centered medical home model in a rural clinic while researching/developing solutions for obesity and issues facing the rural health population. Additionally, I participate in political policy initiatives and actions to enhance the health of people in West Virginia through my involvement with the West Virginia Healthy Children and Family Coalition and the Greenbrier Health Alliance. My newest volunteer work for improving the health and welfare of WV consists of starting a new farmers market in the recently flooded White Sulphur Springs area and helping teens develop at the local community center to provide them with a safe place.
RN Alexandria Hospital School of Nursing
RN to MSN Nursing informatics Walden University
DNP Walden University
Post-Master Nursing Education Walden University