Meeteer, Wesley
Title: Professor of Health Sciences
College: College of Science, Mathematics, and Health
Department: Department of Health Sciences, University Assessment
Phone: 304-384-5983
Discipline: Health
Room: Fine Arts M-04
Box: F30
"*" indicates required fields
Meeteer, Wesley
Ph.D., West Virginia University
M.Ed., Concord University (2008)
B.S. in Business Administration, Concord University (2006)
Book Chapters
Meeteer, W., Housner, L., Bulger, S., Hawkins, A., & Wiegand, R. (2011). Applying the Sport Education Curriculum Model in university basic instruction courses. In P. Hastie (Ed). Sport Education: International Perspectives. Routledge, New York, NY.
Journal Articles
Nolan, J.A., Cottrell, L.A., Ice, C., Leary, J.A., Meeteer, W., Campbell, H.D., Dino, G.A. (May, 2016). Barriers to Parent Support for Physical Activity in Appalachia. Journal of Physical Activity & Health.
Schneider, K. R., Meeteer, W. Nolan, J., & Campbell, D., (Accepted November, 2016). Healthcare in High School Athletics in West Virginia. The Journal or Rural and Remote Health
Dr. Meeteer’s research interests include youth physical activity and reflection abilities of inservice physical education teachers