Aramark Food Services (ARA): 304-384-5312 / 5313
Offers several dining locations in the Student Center to provide you with great meals and great choices that are both affordable and nutritious. Dining hall features a special kiosk with nutritional information and tips on how to stay healthy. Visit to learn more.
Athletic Events: 304-384-5347
Sixteen NCAA Division II Athletic teams that include baseball, basketball, softball, volleyball, football, soccer, golf, cross country, track, cheerleading, etc. Something for everyone’s taste. The Leslie R. and Ruby Webb Carter Athletic facility includes two gyms and a dance studio.
Automated Teller Machines (ATM):
ATM services provided by BB&T Bank, now Truist, and Triton ATM, front stairwell, Student Center ground floor. Transaction fees may apply.
Bluefield Area Transit:
Weekday bus service is free with Concord ID. Public can pay a fee to ride. Contact 304-327-8418 or 866-759-0978 for schedule and hours or visit
Campus Store: 304-384-5314
Located on the ground floor of the Student Center, offering textbooks, authentic Concord University collegiate apparel, drinkware, gift cards, diploma frames, computers, and supplies, as well as sundries to help you prepare for your success and daily living. Visit:
Center for Academic and Career Development: 304-384-6074 (academic), 304-384-6292 (career)
The Center for Academic and Career Development (CACD) is a “one-stop-shop” to help students succeed at Concord University. We are committed to assisting students throughout their time at Concord with making the transition from academic pursuits to a successful career path. The CACD works in conjunction with many departments and offices at Concord, including the Office of Financial Aid, Business Office, Registrar’s Office, Counseling Center, Office of Disability Services, Student Support Services, drop-in tutoring, Housing and Residence Life, academic colleges and faculty, as well as community organizations. The CACD assists students with everything from choosing a major, registering for classes, locating a tutor, and strengthening study skills, formulating a career plan, preparing professional documents, finding an on-campus job (Federal Work Study or CU Connect), and connecting with internship opportunities, to helping with individual concerns. The Center for Academic and Career Development is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Additional appointments may be made by emailing or Students who attend classes at the Erma Byrd Center are also encouraged to contact us — we can provide services virtually or in-person on an as-needed basis. Learn more about the Center for Academic and Career Development (CACD) here.
Child Development Center: 304-384-6335 or 5386
Located in South Towers Residence Hall, operates a licensed child care program for children ages 6 weeks through 12 years. Your child may be eligible for free or reduced child care. For more information, visit our webpage.
Commuter Lounge:
A relaxing place for commuter students to spend time between classes. The lounge, on the ground floor of the Student Center, boasts a TV, refrigerator, microwave and Wi-Fi accessibility. It’s also where we have our campus game room! Learn more about the game room & commuter lounge on our website.
Computer Labs:
The Student Center Gameroom and the Library have computers for use by all students for email and surfing the “web”. Divisions have computer labs for their students, and labs are located in the residence halls as well. If a printer is available, you must provide your own paper.
Counseling Center: 304-384-5290 / 6087
Free counseling services and resources for students located on the 3rd floor of Student Center. Learn more about the Counseling Center by visiting their webpage, or by emailing
Disability Services: 304-384-6086
Ensures that persons with disabilities have equal access to the University’s programs, services, and activities. Persons with disabilities should contact Nancy Ellison, 1-304-384-6086 or 1-800-344-6679, if special assistance is required. The Office of Disability Services is located in Student Center Room 107. You can learn more about them here.
Emergency Phones:
Four locations on campus: one in parking lot behind Wooddell Hall, one in South Towers parking lot, one behind Student Center facing Wilson Hall, one behind Marsh Hall near Library side facing towards the Fine Arts Building. These phones have the capability to communicate directly with police radios and 9-1-1.
Evening & Weekend Programming: 304-384-5311
Through the efforts of the Student Activities Committee (SAC) entertainers-comedians, hypnotists, magicians, etc. perform in the SUBWAY of the Student Center. Special family programming is also scheduled.
Financial Aid: 304-384-6069
Need help paying for college? The Financial Aid Office helps with FAFSA; financial aid awards, including grants, scholarships, Federal Work Study, loans, and more. Located in Marsh Hall Room A205, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. or visit Concord University’s FAFSA Code is 003810.
Fitness Center: 304-384-6275
Located between South and North Tower Residence Halls. Offers a comfortable and safe environment for work-outs. Available to students, faculty, staff, and community members. Cardio and weight training equipment is available. Learn more about the Fitness Center on our website, or visit our Facebook page: Concord University Recreation & Wellness for additional information.
Food Pantry:
Located in the Rahall Atrium (next to the sand volleyball court), the CU Food Pantry is a free resource available 24/7 for those in need of assistance. The Concord community can either donate or utilize the following: non-perishable canned goods, college student school/ office supplies, and toiletries. We simply ask that you don’t take more than you need and that if possible, you donate some of the listed items to make certain we have a fully stocked pantry. For more information or to donate, visit our webpage or contact George Williams.
Free Pantry:
Located on the ground floor of the Student Center (lockers in back hallway area between Subway and the McNair office), it also has free items such as school supplies, toiletries, and grab-and-go food items.
Game Room: 304-384-5286
Located on the ground floor of the Student Center, the Concord University Game Room offers ping-pong, billiards, video games, TV, Wii and X-BOX game. Computers are available for email and web surfing only. It’s also where we have our commuter lounge! Learn more about the game room & commuter lounge on our website.
Gap Fund:
The CU GAP Fund is a small, emergency grant of a maximum $250 for students who find themselves in a financial situation that may lead to quitting school. To qualify, students must be currently enrolled undergraduates in at least 12 credit hours; complete a short application explaining the need for the funds (e.g. medical, texts, transportation, childcare, etc.) and provide documentation, if requested. There is an individual lifetime limit of $1,000. To apply, fill out this form or contact Student Affairs at 304-384-5378 or
Greek Life:
Our Greek Life at CU is vibrant with 6 chapters under three governing councils. Becoming a part of CU’s Greek community is very rewarding! Consider joining one during your time here, and learn more about our Greek life here!
Help Desk (Technology): 304-384-5291
The Office of Technology Services provides 24-hour technical support and services for Banner, computer labs, Email, hardware/software maintenance, institutional research and data reports, digital broadcasting, distance education, equipment loans, network hosting, technology training, and web development to faculty, staff, students, alumni, and other members of the Concord community. If you have an issue, prepare a work order or contact the Help Desk, Located in the Rahall Technology Center.
Housing / Residential Life: 304-384-5231
Responsible for matters relating to the residence halls. The Housing Office is located in Student Center Room 201. You can learn more about Housing & Residence Life on our webpage. Email for additional information.
Information Desk: 304-384-3115 / 5246 / 5310
Questions? Call or come see us! We’re located on the Main Floor of the Student Center. Serves as lost and found center, makes student identification cards, operates the switchboard, etc.
International Student Services: 304-384-6086
Provides international students with assistance in adjusting to life in the United States, immigration advising for students on F-1 and J-1 visas. For additional information, visit our International Students webpage or contact Nancy Ellison.
Intramurals: 304-384-6275
An organized sports and activities program that encourages the participation of students, faculty, and staff. Open to all registered students, faculty, staff, and spouses of students, faculty and staff. Learn more about Concord University’s Intramural Sports program by visiting our Intramural Sports webpage.
Library: 304-384-5371
The J. Franklin Marsh Library hours are as follows:
Spring & Fall Semester Hours
Monday – Thursday 7:45am – 10pm
Friday 7:45am – 4pm
Saturday & Sunday CLOSED
Summer Hours
Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm
Saturday & Sunday CLOSED
Computer laboratory available. We have free printing (bring your own paper!), and photocopies are available @ 5 cents per copy. Learn more about the library at
McNair Scholars Program: 304-384-5153
The McNair Scholars Program is a federally funded TRIO program that helps prepare undergraduate students to purse a graduate degree. The program provides access to training and resources designed to make a successful transition into a graduate school or professional program. Located in Student Center Room 111. For more information email Vickie Hart or visit our webpage.
Meal Plans: 304-384-5312 / 5313
Available through the University’s Food Service. On-campus board plans and commuter meal plans are available. Visit:
Medical (Student Health Center): 304-384-6355
Located on campus in Wooddell Hall, the Health Center provides basic level medical care for acute minor illness or injury, but also provides referrals for outside services. Services of the Health Center are included in your student fees. Your student fees cover the cost of the deductibles, co-pays, and co-insurance. Students are responsible for costs incurred outside of the Health Center including lab work, x-rays and prescriptions. Learn more about the Student Health Center by visiting our Student Health Center webpage.
Area walk-in clinics not affiliated with Concord:
- MedExpress (Walmart Plaza in Princeton, open 8 a.m.-8 p.m., (304) 425- 7615)
- New Hope Family Practice (365 Courthouse Rd, (304) 425- 3922)
- Bluestone Health, (304) 431-5499.)
(Note: Concord University is not endorsing specific medical services. We are providing names for convenience and information only. Other local physicians may accept Concord University students. PCH maintains a physician directory via:
Office of Public Safety / Campus Police Department: 304-384-5357 / 5356
The Office of Public Safety exists to maintain the safety and welfare of all members of the University community. Officers patrol all campus areas and buildings throughout the day and night. Locked your keys in your car (no power locks) or need a battery jump start? Contact us. In an immediate emergency, call 9-1-1; campus non-emergency number is 304-384-5357.
Organizations: 304-384-5310 / 5311
There are approximately 60 official organizations on campus ranging from honor, religious, academic, and service, etc. We have something for everyone! View the list of organizations Concord University has here.
Parking: 304-384-5212 / 5972
If you have a vehicle on campus, you will need a parking permit. Go to: to fill out the form, and then take your permit to the Office of Public Safety, located on the first floor of the Rahall Technology Center in Room 105, to receive your decal.
Post Office / Mail Office: 304-384-5285
Need a stamp? Want to mail a package? We have a full service (with the exception of money orders). The Concord University campus post office is located on the ground floor of the Student Center. A fee of $15 per semester is charged to the student’s account upon assignment of a mail box. Additional information about our post office can be found at
Professional Clothing Closet:
Located on the 3rd floor of the Student Center in Conference Room D, it provides students a place to access professional clothing for interviews and other professional events, completely free of cost.
Regents Bachelor of Arts (RBA) Program: 304-384-5226
The RBA Program allows a student to obtain a Baccalaureate degree by utilizing knowledge gained outside the traditional classroom setting. Marsh Hall, Room 240. Learn more about our RBA Program here!
Sean’s Corner:
College can be stressful! Sean’s Corner is a safe place to go to relax, browse mental health literature and resources, or simply to de-stress. Located to the immediate left in North Towers lobby.
Student Center / Student Activities: 304-384-5310 / 5311
The Student Center Office works to provide cultural, social, intellectual, recreational, and governance programs to complement the educational experience. It also manages the operation of the switchboard, game room, post office, special events, faculty and staff housing, Welcome Center, I.D. office, and welcome week activities. Located in Room 203 of the Jean and Jerry Beasley Student Center.
Student Employment Office (Payroll): 304-384-5272
Looking for an on-campus job? Search available openings on Handshake. For information about payroll and employment procedures contact the Business Office at 304-384-5972 or visit our Payroll Office webpage.
Student Government Association (SGA): 304-384-5147
These elected and/or appointed students are your representatives to the Concord administration, its Board of Governors, and to State officials. It also includes a peer Student Conduct System. SGA meets every Thursday at 4 p.m. in the Student Center State Room. Meetings are open to all interested persons. Office is located on the ground floor in the Student Center.
Student Support Services: 304-384-6088
Student Support Services (SSS) serves first-generation, low income, or disabled students by providing free comprehensive services, including personal, academic, career counseling, tutoring, reading skills support, and a computer lab. SSS is located in Student Center Room 202. Learn more about Student Support Services at
Study Lounges:
To provide quiet areas for study, Concord has a number of lounges throughout campus. A 24-hour study lounge with computers is in the Rahall Atrium, monitored by camera; residence hall study lounges are available for residential students; and the Student Center study lounge is located near the dining hall entrance in the Jean & Jerry Beasley Student Center.
Title IX:
Concord University is committed to creating a safe environment where all are free from discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct. We encourage all members of the Concord University community to report discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct. To do so, email, complete an online Referral Form (under Student Life webpage > Resources & Forms), or contact the Title IX Coordinator at 304-384-5289.
Need tutoring or a place to study? The Study & Tutoring Center, located on the top floor of the Marsh Library, is the place for any student to go for tutoring and study hall needs. Open Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Drop-in tutoring services available 12 p.m. – 9 p.m. Check out the drop-in tutoring schedule and other public tutoring locations at Virtual tutoring also available. Have questions or need more information? Call the CACD at 304-384-6074.
Vending Machines:
Drink and snack machines are located in various campus buildings, including the Student Center, Rahall Technology Center, Fine Arts Building, Marsh Hall, and the Carter Center.
Veterans’ Lounge:
Located in Suite 246, Rahall Technology Center. A place to relax or study with fellow veterans. Email: Call: 1-888-384-VETS or 304-384-5171 for more information. Visit
Welcome Center:
Located on the Main Floor of the Student Center. Guests and visitors are greeted and directions and information are provided. Campus maps and brochures are available upon request. Call 304-384-6296 or 304-384-5310.
West Virginia Collegiate Recovery Network (WVCRN): 304-800-7945
As part of the WVCRN, Concord has peer recovery support specialist, Brandon Whitehouse, on campus, located in the Grant House (100 1st Ave. Athens, WV). WVCRN and Brandon provide individual support services, SMART recovery, ally training, and naloxone training. Learn more about Concord University’s Collegiate Recovery Program here.
Writing Center:
The Concord Writing Center, located in Marsh Hall (Room 307), is a place where writers of all levels and in all disciplines can meet with trained peer writing tutors to help them with their work. Learn more about Concord’s Writing Center here.