Associate of Science (General Studies) NRCTC
- Bachelor of Arts (Geography) (CU)
- Bachelor of Arts (History) (CU)
- Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) (CU)
- Bachelor of Science (Biology-Liberal Arts) (CU)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (CU)
- Bachelor of Social Work (CU)
Associate of Applied Science (General Studies) NRCTC
- Bachelor of Arts (Sociology) (CU)
- Bachelor of Arts (Sociology: Criminology Emphasis) (CU)
- Bachelor of Social Work (CU)
Associate of Applied Science in Geospatial Science & Technology (Mountwest CTC)
- Assumption University Thailand Cooperative Agreement 1993
- Chiang Mai University Cooperative Agreement 1994
- Erma Byrd HEC Degree Program Cooperative Agreement 2015
- International Hotel & Tourism Industry Management School Thailand 2011 and 1989
- Mercer County Board of Education Advanced Placement Cooperative Agreement 1992
- Prince of Songkla University Thailand Cooperative Agreement 1994
- Prince of Songkla University Thailand Cooperative Agreement 2011
- Sripatum University Thailand Cooperative Agreement 2011
- Sripatum University Thailand Cooperative Agreement 1991
- Summers County Board of Education Advanced Placement Cooperative Agreement 1992
- WV College of Graduate Studies Agreement Time Shared Faculty Agreement 1984
- WVEB Mathematics Higher Education Partnership Agreement
- Wyoming County Board of Education Cooperative Advanced Placement Agreement 1992
- Beckley Raleigh County Chamber of Commerce MOU Sept 2020
- Bluefield State College Full Time Transient Student Agreement 2009
- CAG University Turkey MOU 2011
- Eastern WV Community & Technical College – Nursing
- Gondogdu College Turkey MOU 2011
- Kyungpook National University (2018)
- Level Up MOU with Monroe County
- Mahidol University Thailand MOU Travel Industry Management 1993
- Marshall_ WV Autism Training Center MOU
- Mountwest CTC Huntington Agreement for Seamless Transition for Active Duty Military Dependents Severely Disabled Veterans and Workforce Development
- Near East University North Cyprus MOU 2011
- University of Finance-Marketing, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- WV Department of Education Career Technical Education Program (August 2019)
- WV Department of Education Statewide HS Business Plan Competition
- WVDE Addendum #1 (2018)
- Athens Physical Therapy Athletic Training MOA
- Bluefield State College Athletic Training MOA 2009
- Bluefield State College Athletic Training MOA 2018
- Dr Kyle Medical Director Contract
- Kyle Group Athletic Training MOA
- Mercer County Schools (PSHS) MOA 2018
- Princeton Community Hospital Athletic Training MOA 2013
- Princeton Community Hospital Athletic Training MOA 2017
- Sideline Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Athletic Training MOA 2018
- Summers County Schools MOU 2018
- Summers Physical Therapy Athletic Training MOA
- The Spring League Athletic Training MOA
- WVU Tech Athletic Training MOA
- Catawba Hospital Practicum and Internship Agreement For Psychology Recreation Therapy
- Greenbrier Valley Theatre Partnership Agreement
- National Mine Health & Safety Academy Field Experience Agreement Business Administration 1984
- National Mine Health & Safety Academy Field Experience Agreement Business Administration 1989
- Bluefield State College 2+2 Transfer Agreement Teacher Education Early Childhood Special Education
- College of WV Articulation Agreement 1991
- Eastern WV Community & Technical College – 2+2 Elementary Education Agreement
- Japan College of Foreign Languages Japan Articulation Agreement 2004
- Marshall and CU Master of Science Information Systems Agreement 2021
- Marshall University Academic Programs Leading to a Doctor of Pharmacy Agreement
- Marshall University MA Geography Articulation Agreement with Concord
- Marshall University Master of Science in Accountancy Articulation Agreement with Concord
- Marshall University Professional Master of Science in Athletic Training Agreement with Concord
- Mercer County Schools Business Administration
- Mercer County Schools Geography
- Mercer County Vocational Technical Center Food Preparation and Travel Industry Management Program Articulation Agreement 1986
- Monroe County Board of Education Division of Business Articulation Agreement 1989
- New River CTC 2+2 Agreement 2008 and 2009
- Osaka College of Foreign Languages & International Business Japan Articulation Agreement 2005
- Princeton Rescue Squad Articulation Agreement
- Shibuya Institute of Foreign Languages Japan Articulation Agreement 2005
- Summers County Career Center Division of Business Articulation Agreement 1985
- Tiffin University Articulation Agreement 2008
- WVU Parkersburg Articulation Agreement
- WVUIT 2+2 Program Engineering Agreement 2007
- Houston Texas (2018)
- Mercer County Schools (2018)
- Monroe County Schools (2020)
- Summers County Schools (2018)
- WV College of Graduate Studies (WVCOGS) and J. Franklin Marsh Library LRC 1985