David S. Roth Memorial Scholarship
Welcome to the homepage of the David S. Roth Memorial Scholarship. Here you can learn about the history of the scholarship, view a list of previous recipients, and find information about the application process.
Dr. David S. Roth taught English and journalism courses in the Division of Languages and Literature at Concord University from 1969 to 1986. His influence as a teacher is gratefully remembered by many of his former students. Beyond the classroom, his contributions to the life of the university included enthusiastic support for Concord University athletics in his roles as statistician, reporter, announcer at football games, and ardent Mountain Lions fan. His zest for life and the courage he manifested during several years of struggle against cancer were an inspiration to the university community.
Following Dr. Roth’s death in 1986, Dr. Sheila M. Chipley, Dr. William K. Finley, and Dr. William J. Ofsa were instrumental in launching the David S. Roth Memorial Scholarship Fund. The members of Dr. Roth’s family have greatly appreciated all the donations that have been made to this fund, which has been managed since its inception by the Concord University Foundation.
The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage retention of currently-enrolled Concord University students who demonstrate strong writing skills. The recipient of this $1,000 scholarship is chosen on the basis of an annual writing competition judged by a panel of University faculty members.
In the spring of 1990, Dr. Roger F. Sheppard launched the first in an ongoing series of David S. Roth Memorial 5K Walk/Runs to benefit the scholarship fund. The success of this annual campus event has been due to the efforts of Dr. Sheppard as Coordinator of the Walk/Run for the first nine years; Assistant Track and Field Coach Paul T. “Tom” Davis, who took over the role of Coordinator in 1999; the Concord University Student Government Association as sponsor; the Concord University Running Lions and the CU chapters of Alpha Sigma Alpha and Mu Xi Phi as organizers; others who have served as volunteer workers; and the many runners and walkers who have participated through the years.
Although the scholarship is disbursed by the Concord University Financial Aid office, the recipients need not be eligible for federal financial aid. If a recipient has been awarded federal financial aid, the scholarship award may be used for any education-related expenses not already fully covered by the recipient’s existing financial aid award–for example, transportation costs, living expenses, childcare (if applicable), etc.- up to the maximum amount allowed by federal guidelines.
Regardless of major, current Concord University students with strong writing skills who plan to re-enroll at CU in the 2025-2026 academic year (or in Summer/Fall 2025) are invited to apply for the Roth Memorial Scholarship. The application deadline for Fall 2025 is 11:59pm on Monday, March 31, 2025.