Year Long Residency
Year Long Residency I
During Residency Part I, the candidate is placed in the school where they will be completing the year-long residency. This is a semester-long, intensive (full-day), professional experience arranged and coordinated by the Coordinator of Clinical Experiences in the Department of Education at Concord University. Teacher candidates should not enroll in extra coursework. The candidate will complete approximately 400 hours of teaching time in the classroom (4 full days per week, based upon mentor’s contracted time); thus, integrating coursework and practical teaching. The full year residency model provides opportunities for co-teaching and earlier mentoring from classroom teachers. During Residency Part I the teacher candidate will follow Concord University’s academic calendar.
The teacher candidate will complete a mini WV Teacher Performance Assessment (Mini TPA) during this semester. The directions and rubric for the mini-TPA will be discussed an addressed during Residency Part1 orientation, and will also be covered in EDUC416. Candidates will be responsible for developing a plan of action for professional growth to be utilized in the upcoming semester (Residency Part2).
Teacher Candidates are required to meet the following requirements prior to beginning Part 1 of the Year-Long Residency:
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Full admission into the Teacher Education Program (TEP) with all Basic Skills Competency criteria met. Candidates who did meet competency criteria at the time of TEP admission must meet criteria prior to Residency Part I admission.
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Submit a Pre-Professional Profile & Residency Application to the CU Department of Education office during advising the semester prior to Residency I
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Obtain required GPAs below:
-Overall GPA for all coursework attempted: 2.50
-General Studies GPA: 2.00
-Professional Education component GPA (excluding YLR courses): 2.50
-Content Area CPA: 2.50 - 4
Participation in Pre-Admission to Residency Seminars 3 & 4: Creating Lesson Plans & Methods in Technology
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Successfully complete all coursework for declared majors and/or minors (excluding residency coursework). Candidates will not be permitted to take additional coursework during Residency Part I or Part II.
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Earn a minimum of 96 credit hours. Residency I and Residency II will provide 24 credit hours, allowing for a total of 120 credit hours required for graduation from Concord University.
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Candidates placed in West Virginia public schools must complete the West Virginia Department of Education Form 24 –Clinical Experience Permit application prior to Residency Part I. This form will be reviewed during the Pre-Admission to residency seminar. Verification of an approved permit must be on record prior to Residency Part I. Form 24 requires electronic fingerprinting, State and FBI criminal background check through Itentigo.
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Completion of early clinical experiences at all certification levels (i.e. elementary, middle, high). Should a residency candidate be lacking a clinical experience level, they will be required to complete their residency in the lacking level.
–Elementary majors must complete at least one clinical experience at the lower grade level (K-2) and one experience at the upper grade level (3-5)
–5-Adult Program majors must complete at least one clinical experience at the middle school level (6-8) and one experience at the high school level (9-12)
–PreK-Adult Program majors must complete at least one clinical experience at the elementary level (K-6) and one experience at the secondary school level (middle or high school)
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Praxis II attempt for licensure exam(s). Official scores from ETS must be received by CU. Be sure to list CU & WVDE as a score recipient. It is recommended that exams be attempted after midterm the semester before Residency I. Exams do not need to be passed prior to Residency I, but they must be attempted. Exams must be passed prior to Residency II.
–Fall Residency I: Exam(s) must be attempted by June 30th. Official scores must be received by August 1st
–Spring Residency I: Exam(s) must be attempted by 1st Friday in November. Official scores must be received by 2nd Friday in December.
Year Long Residency II
During Residency Part II, candidates work as full-time teaching interns, assuming all responsibilities and duties of the cooperating mentor, under the direction of a university supervisor. Residency Part II represents a bridge between the knowledge, skills, and dispositions developed through formal course work and the practical application of those professional attributes. It is the time when candidates have the opportunity to display and to strengthen their commitment to the personal and professional qualities of the 21st century professional.
Residency Part II is a 16-week, intensive (full-time/full-day), professional experience arranged and coordinated by the Coordinator of Clinical Experiences in the Department of Education at Concord University. The candidate will complete approximately 600 hours of teaching time in the classroom (5 full days per week). Teacher candidates should not enroll in extra coursework, or engage in extra-curricular activities which interfere with Residency Part II. Exceptions to this must be approved by the Coordinator of Clinical Experiences. During Residency Part II the candidate will follow the county schools academic calendar.
Candidates complete assignments in P-12 public school(s) located in Concord University’s service area, as well as required seminars offered at the University. Candidates must attend a mandatory placement meeting held the semester prior to Residency Part II. Placement meetings are held on the last Wednesday in September and the last Wednesday in February. The candidate will complete the WV Teacher Performance Assessment (WVTPA) during this semester. The directions and rubric will be provided and discussed during the Residency Part II seminars.
Teacher candidates must apply for admission into Residency Part II through the Department of Education Office by the end of the fourth week of the semester preceding the semester in which Residency Part II is planned. All applicants must attend a placement meeting during the semester prior to Residency Part II. Teacher Candidates will be required to submit a Placement Request for Residency Part II during the placement meeting.
Music Education majors must complete a computer competency test through the Department of Fine Arts. Documentation of passing the competency test must be received in the Department of Education Office prior to the residency eligibility deadline.
English Education majors must successfully complete a Capstone Exam through the Department of Humanities. Documentation of passing the exam must be received in the Department of Education Office prior to the residency eligibility deadline