Board of Governors Policies

All public colleges and universities in West Virginia are required to follow a carefully generated set of guidelines to develop, revise and implement institutional policies. These guidelines include, notifying constituent groups, providing a comment period and securing approval for all policies.

The guidelines are presented in “Title 133, Procedural Rule (of the), Higher Education Policy Commission, Series 4, Rules and administrative procedures.” “Series 4” explains the process and establishes the deadlines for the various stages that all policies must go through.

Title 133, Procedural Rule, Higher Education Policy Commission, Series 4, Rules and Administrative Procedures

AA = Academic Affairs BA = Business Affairs
EA = External Affairs FA = Financial Aid
GA = General Administration / Governance Affairs HR = Human Resources
IT = Information Technology SA = Student Affairs
Policy Category BOG Policy Number Policy Name Policy Effective Date
AA 5 Program Review & Planning 06/06/2023
AA 8 Intellectual Property Rights and Responsibilities 06/15/2021
AA 17 Sabbatical Leave 06/15/2021
AA 32 Academic Forgiveness 06/15/2021
AA 34 Grade Point Average for Associate and Baccalaureate Degrees 06/15/2021
AA 39 Faculty Promotion in Rank 06/15/2021
AA 41 Distance Education 06/15/2021
AA 60 Faculty Qualifications Policy 06/15/2021
AA 61 Academic Freedom 06/15/2021
AA 62 Faculty Appointment, Classifications and Rank 06/15/2021
AA 64 Faculty Evaluation and Performance Reviews 10/17/2024
AA 65 Faculty Notification of Terms and Conditions of Appointment 06/15/2021
AA 66 Faculty Professional Responsibility 06/15/2021
AA 68 Faculty Resignations and Concluding Responsibilities 06/15/2021
AA 69 Faculty Tenure 06/15/2021
BA 2 Waiver of Regular Fees for Third-Party Sponsored Courses 03/10/1989
BA 3 Travel Rules 11/12/2019
BA 4 Bookstore & Guidelines for Textbooks 11/08/2011
BA 13 Undergraduate and Graduate Tuition and Fee Waivers 07/26/2005
BA 19 Assessment, Collection, and Refund of Tuition and Other Fees 11/09/2021
BA 30 Fundraising Policy and Guidelines 03/17/2020
BA 38 Capital Spending 08/20/2007
BA 53 Code of Business Conduct 07/18/2017
BA 70 Veterans’ and Dependents’ Tuition and Fees Policy 06/15/2021
BA 75 Debt 06/07/2022
EA 24 Undergraduate Admissions to the University 05/20/2006
EA 31 Employee Tuition Waiver Benefits 11/09/2021
EA 58 Ethical Practices in University Admissions 07/18/2017
EA 59 Ethical Practices in International Admissions 07/18/2017
EA 74 Service-Related Recruitment 11/09/2021
FA 10 Funding Intercollegiate Athletics 10/01/2004
FA 12 Fixed Asset Inventory 05/04/2005
FA 15 Parking and Traffic 12/22/2005
FA 21 Institutional Facilities 03/30/2006
FA 22 Credit Card Solicitation 05/08/2006
FA 26 Appeal of Non-Renewal of Promise Award 05/08/2006
FA 27 Awarding the HEAPS Grants 05/08/2006
FA 28 Student Financial Aid 01/26/2012
FA 54 Code of Conduct for Financial Aid Professionals 07/18/2017
FA 57 Ethical Practices in Financial Aid 07/18/2017
GA 1 Presidential Appointment, Responsibilities and Evaluation 06/04/2003
GA 6 University Honors, Recognitions, and Awards 06/04/2019
GA 11 Adoption, Amendment and Repeal of Policies 06/07/2022
GA 14 Meetings of the Board 06/04/2019
GA 16 Advisory Councils  06/04/2019
GA 23 Alcoholic Beverages on the Concord University Campus 05/08/2006
GA 29 Social Justice 07/20/2006
GA 44 Military Call-Up of Faculty, Staff or Students 12/01/2009
GA 52 Conflict of Interest 07/18/2017
GA 55 University Ethics 07/18/2017
GA 71 Governance  06/04/2019
GA 73 Name, Image, and Likeness  11/09/2021
GA 78 Deadly Weapons and Dangerous Objects 07/01/2024
HR 7 Classified Staff Workforce Reduction 09/12/2017
HR 9 Role of Part-time Classified Employees at Concord College 09/17/2003
HR 18 Faculty Salaries 06/15/2021
HR 33 University Staff Compensation 09/12/2017
HR 35 Talent Acquisition 09/12/2017
HR 37 Nondiscrimination, Sexual Misconduct, and Other Forms of Harassment 08/13/2020
HR 42 Employee Background Checks 02/25/2009
HR 43 Catastrophic Leave 02/25/2009
HR 46 Employment of Relatives/Family Members (Nepotism) 12/07/2010
HR 47 Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action 11/09/2021
HR 48 Return to Work Policy 05/24/2012
HR 49 Disciplinary Action 05/10/2012
HR 50 Overtime and Compensatory Time Policy 05/10/2012
HR 51 Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy and Prevention Program 05/06/2014
HR 56 Standards of Ethical and Responsible Conduct 07/18/2017
HR 63 Faculty Dismissal for Cause 06/15/2021
HR 67 Faculty Reductions in Force 05/04/2018
HR 72 Smoking and Tobacco Use 08/13/2020
HR 76 Consensual Relationships 11/09/2021
IT 40 Use of Information Technology 10/29/2016
IT 45 Wireless Network 06/08/2010
IT 77 Data Governance, Accessibility, and Classification 04/16/2024
IT 79 Account Deactivation And Removal 12/03/2024
SA 20 Student Rights and Responsibilities 03/30/2006
SA 25 Student Academic Rights 05/08/2006
SA 36 Parental Notification of Student Offenses 02/28/2007

There are no policies currently under review at this time.

There are no policies currently out for comment at this time.