Sarah M. Pritchett
Concord University
Office of Advancement
PO Box 1000, Athens, WV 24712
(304) 384-6312,
After 4 p.m.
Office: 304-384-5211
Cell: 304-320-6405
May 6, 2022
ATHENS, W.Va. – The Omicron Psi Chapter of Delta Mu Delta International Honor Society in Business at Concord University has received several honors during the 2021-2022 academic year. Of special note is being named a 2021 Star Chapter while the group’s student leader has received a prestigious scholarship from the parent organization.
Alexander Watty, a senior business major, was awarded the Delta Mu Delta Region 2 scholarship for 2021. Alex is serving as president of the Omicron Psi Chapter at Concord and is from Christiansburg, Va.
“This scholarship is based on scholastic achievement, leadership qualities, and character/ethical behavior, and Alex exhibits all three of these,” stated Dr. Charlotte Davis, Associate Professor of Management and an advisor for the Omicron Psi chapter.
According to Delta Mu Delta, “The Star Chapter Awards provide recognition to all chapters that meet or exceed Society standards for chapter operation and administration.”
Concord’s Omicron Psi chapter was chartered in 2020 with 13 students and eight honorary members inducted at that time. New members inducted for the 2021-2022 academic year include: Hannah Altizer, Hannah Cooke, Stella Dunn, Chasity Humphrey, Aubrey Peyton, Gavin Pruett, Brianna Riley, Zachary Roney, Colin Terry and Colin Wiley.
Students who are invited to become members of Delta Mu Delta must have a GPA of at least 3.25, and be in the top 20 percent of their respective junior or senior classes in business. At the beginning of the fall semester, students who meet the requirements will be invited to join the organization.
New officers elected for the 2022-2023 year are Alex Watty, President, Colin Wiley, Vice-President, and Brianna Riley, Secretary/Treasurer. Dr. Charlotte Davis and Dr. Susan Robinett, Business Department Chair, are co-advisors for Concord’s Omicron Psi Chapter.
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